function startRace() { // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Setup ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const svgWidth = 900; const svgHeight = 740; const margin = { top: 40, right: 16, bottom: 16, left: 5 }; const width = svgWidth - margin.left - margin.right; const height = svgHeight - - margin.bottom; const barPadding = 0.1; // Remove the bar race chart if it exists if ("#bar-chart-race"))"svg").remove(); // Top N const n = 25; // Keyframes per year const k = 12; // was 10 // Duration between keyframes const duration = 50; // was 250 const formatNumber = d3.format(",d"); const formatDate = d3.utcFormat("%Y"); const formatDate2 = d3.utcFormat("%B %Y"); const svg = d3 .select("main") .append("svg") .attr("id", "bar-race-chart") .attr("viewBox", [0, 0, svgWidth, svgHeight]); const g = svg .append("g") .attr("transform", `translate(${margin.left},${})`); const x = d3.scaleLinear().range([0, width]); const y = d3 .scaleBand() .domain(d3.range(n + 1)) .range([0, (height / n) * (n + 1 + barPadding)]) .padding(barPadding); const headTitle = g.append("text") .attr("class", "title") .attr("id", "head-title") .attr("y", .attr("dy", "1.2em") .text("Biggest Events (Most Runners Per South African Event)"); const subtitle = g .append("text") .attr("class", "subtitle") .attr("y", -16) .text(""); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Data ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// d3.csv("", d3.autoType).then(data => { console.log({ data }); const names = new Set( =>; const categoryByName = new Map( => [, d.category])); console.log({ names }); console.log({ categoryByName }); const datevalues = Array.from( d3.rollup( data, ([d]) => d.value, d =>, d => ) ) .map(([date, data]) => [new Date(date), data]) .sort(([a], [b]) => d3.ascending(a, b)); console.log({ datevalues }); function rank(value) { const data = Array.from(names, name => ({ name, value: value(name) || 0 })); data.sort((a, b) => d3.descending(a.value, b.value)); data.forEach((d, i) => (d.rank = Math.min(i, n))); return data; } const keyframes = (() => { const keyframes = []; let ka, a, kb, b; for ([[ka, a], [kb, b]] of d3.pairs(datevalues)) { for (let i = 0; i < k; i++) { const t = i / k; keyframes.push([ new Date(ka * (1 - t) + kb * t), rank(name => a.get(name) * (1 - t) + b.get(name) * t) ]); } } keyframes.push([new Date(kb), rank(name => b.get(name))]); return keyframes; })(); console.log({ keyframes }); const nameframes = d3.groups( keyframes.flatMap(([, data]) => data), d => ); console.log({ nameframes }); const prev = new Map( nameframes.flatMap(([, data]) => d3.pairs(data, (a, b) => [b, a])) ); const next = new Map(nameframes.flatMap(([, data]) => d3.pairs(data))); console.log({ prev, next }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Initialization //////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// async function init() { const updateBars = bars(); const updateAxis = axis(); const updateLabels = labels(); const updateTicker = ticker(); for (const keyframe of keyframes) { const transition = svg .transition() .duration(duration) .ease(d3.easeLinear); // Extract the top bar’s value. x.domain([0, keyframe[1][0].value]); updateBars(keyframe, transition); updateAxis(keyframe, transition); updateLabels(keyframe, transition); updateTicker(keyframe, transition); await transition.end(); } } init(); function color(d) { const scale = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeTableau10); if (data.some(d => d.category !== undefined)) { scale.domain(Array.from(categoryByName.values())); return scale(categoryByName.get(; } return scale(; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Bars ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function bars() { let bar = g .append("g") .attr("class", "bars") .selectAll("rect"); return ([date, data], transition) => (bar = bar .data(data.slice(0, n), d => .join( enter => enter .append("rect") //.attr("class", "bar") .attr("fill", color) .attr("x", x(0)) .attr("y", d => y((prev.get(d) || d).rank)) .attr("height", y.bandwidth()) .attr("width", d => x((prev.get(d) || d).value) - x(0)), update => update, exit => exit .transition(transition) .remove() .attr("y", d => y((next.get(d) || d).rank)) .attr("width", d => x((next.get(d) || d).value) - x(0)) ) .call(bar => bar .transition(transition) .attr("y", d => y(d.rank)) .attr("width", d => x(d.value) - x(0)) )); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Axis ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function axis() { const axis = d3 .axisTop(x) .ticks(width / 160) .tickSizeOuter(0) .tickSizeInner(-height); const gAxis = g.append("g").attr("class", "axis"); return (_, transition) => { gAxis.transition(transition).call(axis);".tick:first-of-type").remove();".domain").remove(); }; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Labels //////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function labels() { let label = g .append("g") .attr("class", "labels") .attr("text-anchor", "end") .selectAll("text"); return ([date, data], transition) => (label = label .data(data.slice(0, n), d => .join( enter => enter .append("text") .attr( "transform", d => `translate(${x((prev.get(d) || d).value)},${y( (prev.get(d) || d).rank )})` ) .attr("y", y.bandwidth() / 2) .attr("x", -6) .attr("dy", "-0.25em") .text(d => .call(text => text .append("tspan") .attr("fill-opacity", 0.7) .attr("font-weight", "normal") .attr("x", -8) .attr("dy", "1.15em") ), update => update, exit => exit .transition(transition) .remove() .attr( "transform", d => `translate(${x((next.get(d) || d).value)},${y( (next.get(d) || d).rank )})` ) .call(g => g .select("tspan") .tween("text", d => textTween(d.value, (next.get(d) || d).value) ) ) ) .call(bar => bar .transition(transition) .attr("transform", d => `translate(${x(d.value)},${y(d.rank)})`) .call(g => g .select("tspan") .tween("text", d => textTween((prev.get(d) || d).value, d.value) ) ) )); } function textTween(a, b) { const i = d3.interpolateNumber(a, b); return function(t) { this.textContent = formatNumber(i(t)); }; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Ticker //////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ticker() { const now = g .append("text") .attr("class", "now") .attr("text-anchor", "end") .attr("x", width) .attr("y", -20) .text(formatDate2(keyframes[0][0])); return ([date], transition) => { transition.end().then(() => now.text(formatDate2(date))); }; } }); }